Fanciful Farm (in frame) $35

Odd One Out (in frame) $30

Who Gives a Hoot (in frame) $30

Nest Egg (in frame) $35

Block Party ($200)

All unframed 6x9 artist original prints/collage/acrylic paper ($25 each)

Stars in My Eyes ($150)

Big Star ($200)

Emerald City This Way ($200)

Musical Pears ($45)

Bird Tree...I forgot what I named this before..oops ($150)

Three Fruit ($150)

Dirty Laundry ($200)

When it Rains it Pours ($100)

Three Pears ($200)

When Life Gives You Lemons (Two for $100 or $75 each)

Double Poppy...why is this blue? Weird. ($200)

Black Bird ($200)

On a Whim ($175)

Happy Mistake ($50)

Snakes ($50)
Here is what I have left after the art show. I'm taking orders for Christmas now so I can get started soon! Let me know if you're interested in any of these (note some price change due to the need to move these pieces) I am also willing to barter for services or artwork!