
Monday, June 27, 2011

The cutest darn sheep on the planet

 Look familiar? It's a replica of one I just did for a family!  Someone saw it and wanted the exact same one! IT's HUGE! It's going to go over their bed.
 Detail of funky stars. 
 I thought this would look cooler, but this window was really hard to paint! It does look funky up close and the colors are good together!  Funky Stars ($75)
 Wine for two ($125)
 The Last of the Summer Wine (it's bigger than most windows) $145
 Skipping home from school ($65)
 Yup, you guessed it. A wedding gift for Lauren and Christopher! 
 How does the caged bird sing? ($40)
 So bummed about this looks awesome but there is a teeny weeny crack in the left hand corner. It's still beautiful! (Still beautiful $65)
Here are the cutest darn sheep on the planet.  They're made out of vintage magazine pages.  The Lord is my shepherd ($40)

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